Tsongas Industrial History Center
Lowell, MA
“Thank you” for your great work on the exhibit. It looks so nice. All of my colleagues who have seen it are very impressed. It was a joy working with you–hope we have a chance to collaborate again. Thank you so much for all your generosity and creative energy.
Kristin Gallus, Project Manager – Education Development, Lowell NHS
Exhibit Design: Proun Design, LLC
Exhibit Fabrication: BlueBird Graphic Solutions, Inc
Area: 160sf
Budget: $10k
Lowell's Youth and the Refugee Experience
Bawi Kham left his native Burma as a teenager to avoid being forced into child labor. For political reasons, Rafal Thaher and her family fled Iraq to live as refugees in Syria. Clarice fled the Democratic Republic of Congo through Rwanda to Uganda to avoid certain death by a rampaging army. They are now residents of Lowell, MA as part of the U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program.
"Their Stories" is a new exhibit at the Tsongas Industrial History Center that features five youth that are making a new start in a strange land while trying to hold on to their own customs and heritage. The central element of the exhibit is a collage mural created by these young men and women that expresses their impressions of their new life in Lowell. Graphic panels feature a profile photo, quotes, and a globe that connects their home country with Lowell.